What is a Voice SMS and how does it work?

Voice SMS is an automated phone calls that includes a recorded message. You have two options: you can record the message, or use a text-to-speech converter. Once the user picks up the call, the message will be played. Voice SMS has many benefits Optimised Efficiency You can schedule calls at a specific time and date that suits your needs. Productivity Increased Voice SMSes eliminate the need to make manual calls. Employees can now focus on more important tasks. Greater Engagement You can create personalized experiences by creating greetings or accepting the user’s choice with IVR . Easy visual drag-drop dashboard Drag-and-drop applets to create your call flow. Do not wait for developers to create them. What can businesses do with Voice SMS? Notifications To remind customers about appointments and bill payments, schedule Voice SMSes Notifications Use our Voice SMS API to alert customers about important events...